The Grand Canyon is a humbling place. You realize just how small you are and how big a world you live in when you first look down. You realize that your legs aren’t as strong as you thought they were when you try to climb up. And you realize that your throwing and decision-making skills need some work once the canyon claims two discs you were supposed to give away. (Don’t worry; we’ve got extras!)
Still, for each disc we lost we managed to donate one to a deserving Grand Canyon visitor. We met 12-year-old Nathan at a water stop while hiking back to the top. We figured anyone who can still smile that earnestly after hiking several miles uphill would make for a good Ultimate player. Nathan hasn’t played any Ultimate but he promised to check out our site and give the sport a try. We hope that Scott and Sandy Breuer (Wags’ mom and step-dad) have inspired another kid to reach for his potential on the Ultimate field.
While we were asking Nathan if he wanted a disc, another Grand Canyon hiker expressed her interest in getting one. Kristen is a little outside the demographic of our previous disc recipients, but we decided she was worthy anyway. She was lamenting the fact that she and her friends had traveled from California without a frisbee, so who were we to deprive her of one any longer? Schasse didn’t think Cindy Moeding would mind her disc going to someone who really wanted one, especially since Kristen is such an awesome kid at heart.