A Disc For Dominic

June 13, 2013  -  


We’re a few days behind here, but we met Dominic and his family last Thursday, June 13 at Grizzly Creek near Glenwood Canyon, CO. We had just returned from a run and were tossing a disc in the parking lot when Dominic’s family arrived. They took an interest in our throwing as they were unpacking their rafting equipment, so we struck up a conversation. After explaining what we were doing, we asked Dominic if he would like a disc. Since he hasn’t played much Ultimate, he was pretty pumped to have a disc  so he would be able to hone his skills. Here he is posing with his mom and sister and his new disc, courtesy of Jane and Kevin Wagner-Murphy.

Vermillion, South Dakota

June 12, 2013  -  

We’ve reached our first camp site of the summer! After traveling nearly 300 miles since we left the Twin Cities, we decided our best bet was to make camp at a free site in Vermillion, South Dakota. Schasse pitched our tent while Wags went to work on assembling the grill. We fired up some chicken, steak, potatoes and sweet corn and had ourselves a royal feast. Our camp site was complete with running water and electricity; two amenities that we are going to have to get used to going without. While we did encounter a few snags (air mattress is too small, air pump runs on batteries we don’t have, and we forgot to pack a number of necessary items), you won’t hear us complaining. All in all, we could not have asked for a more perfect evening.

Our First Disc Recipient!

June 11, 2013  -  

The first day of our road trip saw us get as far as the Twin Cities! With just under two hours and a hundred miles under our belt we’re feeling, well, pretty underachieving. That being said, we did find a deserving recipient for our first disc donation. Two year old Zack Anderson was slightly taken aback by the honor, and even a little hesitant to accept such a gift. But once his mom reassured him that the disc came to him courtesy of his Nana Banana (and Schasse’s mom, Marilyn Zmuda) he couldn’t wait to have Schasse show him some cool tricks. Better be careful though, Chris. It won’t be long before Zack is showing you a thing or two!

Summer Roadtrip 2013

April 29, 2013  -  

We are embarking on a three month adventure to play Ultimate Frisbee, meet people, and experience life in a new way. It’s going to be epic.


James Wagner: Quit his full time job at Menards

Christopher Schasse

Christopher Schasse: Turned down a lucrative Summer Marketing Internship