Thursday was our last day in Eugene, so we decided to spend it hanging out with a guy who you’re going to hear a lot more about in a coming episode. The first thing we did when we rolled into Eugene was attend a Darkstar practice. Darkstar is one of the oldest club teams in existance, founded by a man whose name every competitive Ultimate player will recognize: Henry Callahan. It was here that we met Daniel Walling. The lefty backhand huck throwin’, bro tank/knee-high sock wearin’ dude was supposedly talented in many and various ways, so we had to see what this guy was all about.
We went over to his house/workshop and we were not disappointed. Dan and his father share a workshop where they make various crafts, ranging from hats, shoes, and quality wooden utensils. Everything they make is made in the most sustainable way possible, using mostly recycled materials. And this stuff is cool.To learn more about what they do, check out the websites for their shoes and woodwork.
While we were there, we met Dan’s twin eight year-old sons Ari and Leo (both three-letter names meaning lion). They both happened to be wearing two of his old Darkstar jerseys, so they already looked like stud Ultimate players. The only thing they were missing was a few discs. Luckily, we had a few to spare. Thanks to Brian Franson and Carol and Art Riehle, they can now put an end to the argument of who has the bigger backhand. Check them out trying to throw a disc to one another at the same time:
Yes. Getting them early.